Tuesday, January 8, 2013

A Jcrew Kind of Day

Blazer: Jcrew, Sweater: Jcrew, Tank: Target, Pants: Jcrew, Shoes: Jcrew, Necklace: Thift Shore

This is my first week back at college after a long winter break. I had a great three weeks at home and to be quite honest, I wasn't really looking forward to going back to school. My roommate had transferred and I was nervous to make new friends and get a new roommate. But this Thursday is the first night of recruitment at my school. Recruitment is the process of choosing a sorority that fits you best. I have been waiting for recruitment since August and I cannot wait to finally find my greek letters! I wore this outfit a few weeks ago but I decided it was fitting for my mood today. A little gloomy, nervous and overwhelmed but I have to keep in mind that there is light at the end of the tunnel and come Thursday, things will be better than I could have ever imagined! The dark tones of my blazer and pants represent my feelings at the moment. But once I take off the blazer, the sequences on my sweater, my bright pink and red necklace and my favorite neon heels shine through! These pops of color may be small but they are my first step into the next exciting chapter of my life!


  1. Hi Kate!!

    My name is Kaitlyn and I was a Theta at Pacific! I graduated last May and started this blog with Corinne.

    First off, congratulations on joining Theta! Theta meant so much to me in college and it still does to this day. You are going to have the time of your life, make so many best friends and learn a lot about yourself. I am so excited for you!

    Your blog and your style is adorable! Keep up the great work! I'll be in Stockton in a few weeks and I can't wait to meet you and the rest of the Theta babies. Let me know if you have any questions about anything (blogging/Theta/etc), I would be happy to help you!



    Boardwalks & Boulevards

  2. Hi Kaitlyn! Thank you! I love your blog too...I read it all the time! I couldn't be more excited about theta and I'm really looking forward to meeting you, are you going to founders day?
