Friday, January 4, 2013

City by the Bay

Cardi: Jcrew, Dress: Urban Outfitters, Tights: Nordstrom, Boots: Nordstrom, Coat: Marc by Marc Jacobs, Necklace: Thift Store, Bag: Coach

I love San Francisco and since I only live about 20 minutes away, I am always looking for an excuse to take a trip into the city. Earlier this week, my brother and I went to a local thift store. I wasn't really expecting to find anything I liked, but the second that I walked in, my eyes shot straight to the wall where a gorgeous 60's style cream coat hung. It was a Marc by Marc Jacobs (one of my favorite brands that I can't afford), it was in my size and it was only $50. I decided it was destiny, so of course I bought it! After a quick trip to the dry cleaners, my posh new coat was ready for an outing. So we started the weekend off on a high note and ventured into the city for some window stopping and yummy San Francisco cuisine!

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